
Au Ra Role Play profiles

A profile of all au ra belonging to Fei. 18+ only

The Peaceful Raen

Daichi Ritsuso

Gender: Male
Age: 37
Race: Raen Au Ra
Orientation: Bi
Hair: Green
Eyes: Turquoise
Likes: Peace, vegan food, warm fires
Dislikes: Garlemald, The Empire, war
Personality: Calm and peaceful, Daichi will be the last one to start a fight, though should one be forced upon him, he can and will hold his own. He refuses to eat meat due to the carnage and cruelty involved, choosing instead to eat plant-based dishes.Bio: Born in Werlyt, Daichi was conscripted to the Empire as soon as he was old enough, forced to become a melee fighter for them. He hated every minute of it, not just because he was considered a "savage", but mostly for the blood of innocent strangers he was forced to spill. He escaped his regimen one day while stationed in Thanalan, running to Ul'dah to seek sanctuary there.


Tamachag Chaghan

Gender: Female
Sex: Biologically male
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Age: 21
Personality: Tamachag is violent and aloof thanks to her being outcast by the Qerel after embracing the Will of Karash in her teenaged years. She sees everyone as weaker than her at first until they prove otherwise in combat. She adores fighting, with or without her axe, and will never back down from a challenge.Bio: Born into the Qerel tribe, Tamachag showed an early aptitude for the axe and battle. This was celebrated until the day that the Will of Karash overtook her and she was exiled as Taken. Thankfully the Chaghan tribe had been watching and swiftly took in the avid fighter, training her and perfecting her brand of wanton bloodshed.


Wufei Zhang-Yuy

Biological Sex: Female
Gender: Male (He/him)
Race: Raen Au ra
Age: 25
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Occupations: Homemaker, samurai
Personality: Fiery and stubborn to a fault, Wufei will argue until he's blue in the face when he feels like he's right on a matter. That side easily gives way to tender nurturing when it comes to his husband or his children, of which he has three.Bio: Wufei's parents hail from Sui no Sato and decided to leave to explore the world while he was still in utero. After some travel, they found themselves on the Azim Steppe which, while venturing outside of Reunion, led to their capture and enslavement by the Oronir. Wufei was allowed to be born, but what happened to his parents after that is a mystery. To this day, he doesn't know if they're dead or alive. Wufei was raised as a slave to the Oronir tribe, being fed scraps and teased and abused as the tribe saw fit. The only ones who were even partly kind to him were Maqali and the cook. After the hyur Hien came and beat the Oronir in the Nadaam, Wufei went with the tribes to Gyr Abania to help reclaim Ala Mhigo. While the rest of the xaela left to return home, Wufei decided to stay, making his own life and defying his once-masters. On his travels, he met another xaela, Heero, and the two fell fast in love, wedding and having triplets.The trauma of childbirth led to a dormant power surging forth and Wufei's body began to change. His scales grew dark green and red, his tail thickened and grew spikes, new horns sprouted from his head, and he grew great wings upon his back. He would learn that he shared aether and blood with Nidhogg through his ancestors and that the power was manifesting in him to protect him from the pain he felt rearing his offspring.

About the player


Age: 33
Discord: ozfei
Location: USA
Time zone: EST
About: I've roleplayed since 2003 in various forms and on various media. I enjoy para style but can adjust to my partner's preference. I have several other characters besides the ones listed here- these are just my au ra.Other fandoms: Gundam Wing, DigimonFeel free to discord me to chat or discuss roleplaying!

Dominant Draddy

Maqali Oronir

Name: Maqali Oronir
Aliases/Nicknames: Milli
Gender: Cismale
Preferred Pronouns: He/him
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Age: 30
Features/Physical Description: Very tall and pale, he has flowing blond hair and firm muscles. His eyes are strikingly pale and look like ice or dawn mist. He has two penises which he can use together or separately.Occupations: Courtesan, red mage, paladin.Likes: Bringing others pleasure through their submission to him, books, fine wine.Dislikes: Arrogance without the ability to back it up, unearned Dominance, liars, those who hurt those weaker than they.Personality: Extraordinarily proud of his size, prowess, and martial skill, Maqali can very easily come off as an arrogant asshole. The truth is that he merely knows who he is and what he wants and likes and has little patience for those who try to assume things about him. He is caring under that brute strength and adores helping people learn about themselves.Personal Quotes: "I cannot refuse any who challenge me."
"If one makes a decision with a cool head, he won't find himself regretting that decision later on."
Bio: Born on the Azim Steppe and to the Oronir tribe, Maqali took immediately to blades and books alike. Any reading material that came into Reunion from foreigners, Maqali eventually got his hands on even if it took some great time and negotiation. He found himself consorting with the raen slave the tribe kept, Wufei, bedding the smaller au ra often even while Magnai never let them become a proper pair. After he heard of how Wufei stayed behind in Gyr Abania after Hien ordered the xaela attack on the Empire, Maqali first realized that he wasn't permanently bound to the Steppe and could venture on his own. Without even asking the thoroughly disgraced Magnai for permission, he mounted his yol and flew back across the sea to start his own life on Eorzea.

Samurai from the First

Chang Wufei

Name: Chang Wufei
Aliases/Nicknames: None that he uses publicly
NSFW/SFW/Both: Both.
Physical sex: Male
Gender: Cismale
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Raen Au Ra
Age: 21
Features/Physical Description: Wufei is a larger raen with strong muscles and dusky grey-green skin. He has beautiful yellow-white scales all over his body with smaller scales outlining his larger ones. Wufei's tail is very large and thick with ridges that make it look like an alligator's.Occupation: Swordsman.Likes/Dislikes: Likes solitude yet also the company of the strong and those wiser than him. Also likes onigiri. Dislikes weakness, injustice, and stupidity. Also dislikes poorly-prepared Hingan food.Personality: Stubborn as a mule with a face to match, Wufei comes across as an asshole unless he's working. At work, he is softer in expression and tone if still firm in hand. If one can get past his bullheadedness, they would find a deep friend who would do anything for them as well as a man of justice and honor.